Julen Galarza, Javier Navaridas, Jose A. Pascual, Juan L Muñoz, Ibon Bustinduy, and Txomin Romero: Parallelizing Multipacting Simulation for the Design of Particle Accelerator Components
Ryota Yasudo: Bandit-based Variable Fixing for Binary Optimization on GPU Parallel Computing
Thomas Jakobs, Sebastian Kratzsch, and Gudula Ruenger: Analyzing Data Reordering of a combined MPI and AVX execution of a Jacobi Method
Adriano Marques Garcia, Dalvan Griebler, Claudio Schepke, André Sacilotto Santos, Jose Daniel Garcia, Javier Fernandez Muñoz, and Luiz Gustavo Fernandes: A Latency, Throughput, and Programmability Perspective of GrPPI for Streaming on Multi-cores