
AWS Cloud Solutions

Amazon Web Services Europe supported the 31st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing with a generous donation of credit awards for pursuing further research.

About AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud provider for accessing technology services, such as computing power, storage, and databases, on an as-needed basis. AWS has more cloud services, and more features within those services, than any other cloud provider, including computing, storage, databases, networking, data lakes and analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, IoT, security, and much more. Moreover, AWS provides a comprehensive portfolio of solutions that help you solve common problems and build faster using the AWS platform. Every AWS Solution comes with detailed architecture, a deployment guide, and instructions for both automated and manual deployment. AWS is constantly adding new capabilities so users can leverage the latest technologies to experiment and innovate more quickly.

The AWS Academy at the University of Naples “Parthenope”

In 2022 the University of Naples “Parthenope” joined the AWS Academy program to Equip Students with In-Demand Cloud Computing Skills. AWS Academy provides higher education institutions with a ready-to-teach cloud computing curriculum.

“We are proud to make the AWS Academy curriculum available to our students. The rapid rise of cloud computing is creating a growing number of high-quality jobs at organizations worldwide, and the technical skills students develop through this program will position them well for their careers today and in the future.”

Prof. Raffaele Montella, head of AWS Academy at the University of Naples “Parthenope”

Beginning in the first semester of the academic year 2022/2023, students can enroll in courses that teach in-demand cloud skills. The introductive cloud computing courses allow them to solve business challenges based on industry scenarios and help prepare them to pursue industry-recognized AWS Certifications and in-demand jobs. The AWS Academy curriculum is developed and maintained by AWS experts, ensuring that it reflects current services and up-to-date practices. Courses are taught by AWS Academy educators trained to help students become proficient in AWS technology. More information on: https://awsacademy.uniparthenope.it

Text edited from: aws.amazon.com and awsacademy.uniparthenope.it
Image edited from: Freepik